

The Samudra International Conference on Science and Engineering (SICSE) is the third international seminar organized by Universitas Samudra. This seminar carries the theme “Advancing Sustainable Development 2030: Innovative Approaches and Multidisciplinary Collaboration in engineering and Environment“. Underscores the imperative of achieving sustainable development goals by 2030 through innovative solutions and cross-disciplinary cooperation. It emphasizes the critical roles of engineering and environmental sciences in addressing challenges such as affordable and clean energy (SDG 7), sustainable infrastructure (SDG 9), resilient urban development (SDG 11), climate action (SDG 13), and biodiversity conservation (SDG 15). By fostering collaboration among engineers, environmental scientists, policymakers, and other stakeholders, the conference aims to drive progress towards sustainable development by leveraging creativity, technology, and holistic approaches to address interconnected global challenges effectively.

Recent developments in the Asia-Pacific region, particularly in Indonesia, have highlighted the urgent need for innovative approaches and multidisciplinary collaboration to address pressing sustainability challenges. Indonesia faces various environmental and developmental issues, including deforestation, air and water pollution, rapid urbanization, and climate change impacts such as rising sea levels and extreme weather events. These challenges directly intersect with the themes of the conference, as they require innovative engineering solutions and collaboration across disciplines to mitigate their adverse effects and promote sustainable development.

We look forward proposals or abstracts from scholars and industry professionals in the social sciences and humanities. These contributions will enrich and broaden the range of perspectives for dialogue at this conference.

Conference Objectives

Conference Organizer

The Samudra International Conference on Science and Engineering (SICSE) is organized by Universitas Samudra (Unsam), a state university located in the westernmost region of Indonesia, more precisely in Aceh Province, Sumatra Island. Unsam has five faculties: science and technology, agriculture, economics, law, and education. The existence of competent human resources makes Unsam able to organize international conferences. With in-depth knowledge and extensive practical experience, Unsam’s lecturers actualize every academic dialogue from a rich and varied perspective. Furthermore, the combination of good academic standards and a firm commitment to the advancement of science ensures that Unsam can organize this event with excellence.

In addition, Unsam is dedicated to improving the quality and readiness of its educational and research activities. This commitment is evidenced by the implementation of innovative teaching methodologies, expanded access to academic resources, and increased interdisciplinary collaboration. Unsam continues to improve its research facilities and provides comprehensive support to its researchers, thereby encouraging the production of reputable scientific contributions.

Unsam has good experience organizing international events. This is proven by the success of the Samudra International Conference, which is currently the third in the last six years